Final-ish Run for Pedal Keyboard
This project has been a really fun but long process on both the fabrication and the programming side. Helen and I are incredibly proud of...
This project has been a really fun but long process on both the fabrication and the programming side. Helen and I are incredibly proud of...
This week we spent our time thinking about the logistics of our project and ways we could make it. We made a bill of materials that is...
For this project I'll be working with Helen Zegarra on a keyboard design. We started by asking ourselves why we would need to re-design...
Assignment Make the controls for a desk or bedside clock or timer. At minimum this should include controls to set the hour and minute....
ASSIGNMENT: Create a simple experimental scene in Augmented Reality that brings an animation into the real world using Unity. PARTNER:...
In all honesty I absolutely hated reading this book. I usually enjoy reading, and throughout my life I've made a good habit of doing so....
For our final project in this class Helen and I decided to continue bringing beloved childhood games out of the screen and into the real...
For our ICM final project my partner and I decided to combine it with PComp and make an interface for the game we wanted to develop. We...
ASSIGNMENT: For the last assignment you will be mounting a motor/servo/stepper (one or more) to something as well as mounting something...
ASSIGNMENT: Create anything that combines two or more materials. The materials can't be plywood or acrylic. RESTRICTIONS: Time. For this...
For this assignment I intended to keep things rather simple. I've already learned in the few weeks we've been working that the...
I already had in mind to do earrings at some point in this class. I've always like jewelry making and I thought I would save that idea...
Assignment Create a short animation in After Effects that has a primary character and tells a quick story 1-3 minutes. Due week 5...
For the final project Helen and I decided to create a multi-user Pacman game that is a mix between tag and Pacman. We're calling it...
For this project Pablo and I got inspired by a DJ pad that plays different sounds when each key is pressed in order to make music like in...
For this assignment I was very hesitant to use wood. I'm not very familiar with the power tools and I admit that they make me very...
For this week's homework we perfected our monster and attached Solenoid pistons to the sides of its mouth in order to get movement. The...
When we got the assignment I already knew what I wanted to make. At the beginning of my Physical Computing class I had made a mistake...
For this project we started with the song selection. My partner, Sam, came up with several songs we could use and we chose one together....