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Blog: Blog2
  • sal5014

Video Assignment: Sticking with my Phone

For this last week of class we finished our video assignment. In my case, I had a great group that worked very well and efficiently together and our project came together pretty quickly. We started by brainstorming ideas and agreeing on one, then we started on our storyboard and what we wanted the tone of the project to be like. We had a very concrete idea from the beginning which helped make the storyboard very clear and detailed.

After, we started shooting. During the process we went by our storyboard and that made it easier to get all the shots but we also realized as we shot that there are little parts in between scenes that need to be filled and we didn't take into account for our storyboard, those we filmed kind of spontaneously. We also were challenged by bad lighting as most of our video was shot inside.

After we had all the video we made decisions together on how to cut and edit it, and on the music we wanted as background. We divided the work after decisions were made and my teammates did the cutting and editing of the video with my input and I concentrated on the Motion Graphics and the voiceover. We then put everything together to make our comercial. I think it looks very similar to what we had in mind and I'm very happy with the result. The one thing I would change is that I would shoot the whole thing on my phone next time. At this point, camera phones are good enough quality for what I need that I don't have to carry around this huge camera + tripod + battery. It makes the process easier and we also found that shooting with our phones got us a better and crisper definition than with the camera. If I were to carry around a big camera for video purposes I would much rather get one intended for film/video as opposed to what we used.

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