The brigadeiro (Portuguese pronunciation: [bɾiga'dejɾu]) is a traditional Brazilian dessert, created by a confectioner from Rio de Janeiro, Heloisa Nabuco de Oliveira. Traditionally they're served in a small ball form but the mixture can also be poured in a cup and eaten with a spoon.
Here I'll teach you how to make the traditional and classic chocolate brigadeiro and two flavor variations (Caramel and Cookies and Cream) that came as an inspired experiment that turned out amazing. You can decide if you'd like to make just one or all of them.

If you make all three flavors or two of them, you could mix and match the toppings or use anything else you'd like for ex. brown sugar, crushed nuts, colorful sprinkles, etc.
Must be stored in the fridge.
What you'll need:
- Small Pot
- Stove
- Several spoons
- 1TBSP measuring spoon
- Colander for sifting
- Food processor or blender with sharp blades
- Microwave

- 1 TBSP butter
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- 3 TBSPs cocoa powder (sifted)
- Extra Butter for greasing
- Topping of choice (the classic is chocolate sprinkles)
- Set pot on stove and turn on low heat.
- Melt 1 TBSP of butter until completely dissolved

- Pour 1 entire can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- Pour in cocoa powder (it will start looking a little weird but you should continue mixing until combined).
- You can raise the heat slightly not even Medium heat
- Never stop slowly stirring the mixture because it could burn
- You're looking for a semi-solid consistency that when you run the spoon through it it takes a couple of seconds to re-combine.
- Even if you think it's too liquid don't worry it'll start getting more solid as it cools.
- Cool for a couple of minutes
- Put the mixture in a greased container and let it cool in the fridge for at least an hour.
- After, the mixture should be solid enough for you to form small balls of around 1/2 TBSP (I recommend using gloves as this could get very sticky and grease your hands or gloves).
- Roll each ball in the toppings and put back in the fridge to store. (I used crushed caramels (see below for prep), chocolate chips and a crushed chocolate bar (see below for prep)).
- After a few minutes they should be ready to enjoy!
- With the food processor crush a dark chocolate bar and set aside

- 1 TBSP butter
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- Soft Caramels
- Extra Butter for greasing
- Topping of choice (I used crushed hard caramels and added some salt to the mix)
- Melt the soft caramels in the microwave in 30s intervals, stirring in between. You could also put them in a larger glass bowl and place the bowl over hot or boiling water until the caramels melt.

Then repeat the first couple of steps:
- Set pot on stove and turn on low heat.
- Melt 1 TBSP of butter until completely dissolved

- Pour 1 entire can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- Pour in the melted caramels and combine completely.
- You can raise the heat slightly not even Medium heat
- Never stop slowly stirring the mixture because it could burn
- You're looking for a semi-solid consistency that when you run the spoon through it it takes a couple of seconds to re-combine.
- Even if you think it's too liquid don't worry it'll start getting more solid as it cools.
- Cool for a couple of minutes
- Put the mixture in a greased container and let it cool in the fridge for at least an hour.
- After, the mixture should be solid enough for you to form small balls of around 1/2 TBSP (I recommend using gloves as this could get very sticky and grease your hands or gloves).
- Roll each ball in the toppings and put back in the fridge to store. ( I used crushed hard caramels (see below for prep) and chocolate sprinkles.)
- After a few minutes they should be ready to enjoy!
- With a food processor crush first the hard caramels.

- Put around 1 pinch of salt (or more if you're using a lot of caramels, you want to get a salted caramel flavor so you can adjust to taste).
- Blend

- 1 TBSP butter
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- 12 Oreos (cream and cookies separated)
- Extra Butter for greasing
- Topping of choice (I used the crushed Oreo cookies).
- Separate the cream from the cookies and crush the cookies into small bits (not powder).
Then repeat the first couple of steps:
- Set pot on stove and turn on low heat.
- Melt 1 TBSP of butter until completely dissolved

- Pour 1 entire can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- Pour in the cream and combine
You can raise the heat slightly not even Medium heat
- Never stop slowly stirring the mixture because it could burn
- You're looking for a semi-solid consistency that when you run the spoon through it it takes a couple of seconds to re-combine.
- Even if you think it's too liquid don't worry it'll start getting more solid as it cools.
- Cool for a couple of minutes
- Put the mixture in a greased container and let it cool in the fridge for at least an hour.
- After, the mixture should be solid enough for you to form small balls of around 1/2 TBSP (I recommend using gloves as this could get very sticky and grease your hands or gloves).
- Roll each ball in the toppings and put back in the fridge to store. (I used the crushed Oreos)
- After a few minutes they should be ready to enjoy!